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MDU anordnar Pint of science på Café Mosaic

Pint of Science

15 maj

Samarbete med MDU.

“Möt några av våra forskare under Pint of Science – Science talks in your local pub. Tre kvällar där de delar med sig av spännande insikter, kunskap och det senaste inom sina områden. En perfekt möjlighet för dig att möta några av de människor som är med och formar morgondagens forksning. Pint of Scince sker på Café Mosaic i Västerås”

Program 15 maj

18:00-18:30: Jewels in the air!
Thousands of years ago, skilled jewelers created ornaments and precious gems, passing their techniques down through generations. But what if these ancient methods of precision now play a vital role in the skies above us? What do ancient jewelry and jet engine components have in common? Join us to discover the fascinating links in craftmanship through the ages.
Speaker: Antonia Antoniadou, Industrial Doctoral Student in machine learning, automation, and digitalization methods.

18:30-19:00: Quizz

19:00-19:30: Measuring Max Damage: Stealth Cyberattacks on Physical Systems Hackers could target critical physical infrastructures such as nuclear reactors, electricity grids, or smart cities. If an attack is highly sophisticated, it might remain undetected by anomaly detection systems. We explore a method to assess the maximum damage that such an attack could inflict.
Speaker: Gabriele Gualandi, Associate Senior Lecturer in Computer Science

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Evenemangs-serie Evenemangs-serie: Pint of Science


15 maj
18:00 - 19:30
Evenemang Kategori:


Café Mosaic

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